12th HiPC Student Research Symposium (SRS)

December 17, 2019 - Hyderabad, India


HiPC 2019 will feature the 12th Student Research Symposium on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HPC) aimed at stimulating and fostering student research, and providing an international forum to highlight student research accomplishments. The symposium will also provide exposure to students in the best practices in HPC in academia and industry. 

The symposium will feature student posters and provide students with other enriching experiences, such as workshops, industry exhibits, and demos. The Conference Reception and multiple Student Symposium Poster Exhibit sessions will provide an opportunity for students to interact with HPC researchers and practitioners (and recruiters) from academia and industry. 

Awards for Best Poster, sponsored by IEEE Computer Society – Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP) – will be presented at the symposium. An online book containing the resumes of the students participating in the symposium will be compiled and made available to the sponsors of the HiPC 2019 conference.

Posters will be on display on Days 1 and 2 of the conference. Presentation sessions with students at their poster to present and answer questions will be as follows:

Day 1, December 17th: 2-4 PM
Day 2, December 18th: 1-3 PM



Papers Accepted for Poster Presentation



Using Optimistic Synchronization for Real-Time User Interactions in a Distributed Network Simulation     

Naman Merchant, Ruth Falconer and Adam Sampson 


Performance Evaluation of Pipes-and-Filters Architectural Pattern in Multicore Environment     

Mohit Mishra, Rushikesh Shimpi, Varun Parashar and Ankur Singh 


A Hybrid Graph Coloring Algorithm for GPUs     

Shanthanu S Rai, Rohit M P and Sreepathi Pai 


Graph Based Algebraic Multigrid Method     

Manan Shah and Dr. Sashikumaar Ganesan 


Application of high-performance computing for calculating reserves using the Cape Cod method     

Ajay Singh Pawar, S.R.Pranav Sai, Satya Sai Mudigonda and Pallav Kumar Baruah


Accelerating Image-based concrete crack detection using random forest on Deep Convulation Neural Network     

Bhumik Varu, Sumitav Acharya, Shivangi Shreya and Motahar Reza 


Network and Load-aware Node Allocator for MPI Programs     

Ashish Kumar, Naman Jain and Preeti Malakar 


A Dynamic Base Data Compression Technique for the Last-Level Cache     

Shreya Jayateerth Joshi, Prashant Mata, and Nanditha Rao 


Human Emotion Recognition from Spontaneous Thermal Image Sequence using GPU Accelerated Emotion Landmark Localization and Parallel Deep Emotion Network     

Chirag Kumar Kyal, Harsh Poddar and Motahar Reza 


A Parallel PCA Based Face Recognition Algorithm on Distributed Memory System: Application on Distorted Images  

Kunal Jani and Bhaskar Chaudhury 



Parallel Smoothers in Multigrid Method for heterogeneous CPU-GPU environment     

Neha Iyer and Sashikumaar Ganesan 


Distributed Edge Storage using Erasure coding with differential reliability     

Abdun Nihaal, Sheshadri K R and Yogesh Simmhan


Disastro – Real-Time Twitter-based Disaster Response System for Indian Scenarios     

Krishna Kanth A, Gayathri Sowmya G, Abirami S and Chitra P 


ACEP: An Accuracy-Configurable Carry Estimating Parallel Adder     

Rajat Bhattacharjya, Vishesh Mishra, Saurabh Singh, and Kaustav Goswami 


FPGA Fabric Conscious High Speed Design and Scan Insertion through Efficient Logic Utilization     

Ayan Palchaudhuri, Sandeep Sharma and Anindya Sundar Dhar 


Fake News Detection using Deep Learning based Natural Language Processing     

Vinayak Bhartia, Saanika Gupta, Avani Gupta and Nenavath Srinivas Naik 


A Comprehensive Job Monitoring and Analysis Framework     

Ashish Pal and Preeti Malakar 


Fraud Detection on Automobile Insurance Industry using SPARK     

Goli Uma Sankar, Pallav Kumar Baruah, and Sathya Sai Mudigonda 


Semi-supervised Subject Recognition through Pseudo Label Generation in Ubiquitous Sensor Data     

Sourish Gunesh Dhekane, Krishnam Vajra and Dip Sankar Banerjee 


A Novel Real-time Scalable Recommender System using Collaborative Filtering and NLP Techniques     

G Sai Akhilesh, D Gautham Sreeram, B Sateesh, R Raghunatha Sarma, Chandra Sekhar Malladi, and Pallav Kumar Baruah 


Behavior Analysis through Routine Cluster Discovery in Ubiquitous Sensor Data     

Manan Sharma, Shivam Tiwari, and Suchetana Chakraborty


Drone Video Management System     

Ankit Barai, Pradyumna Ym, Aakash Khochare and Yogesh Simmhan


Parallel Block-Structured Mesh Refinement based Fluid Simulations of Plasma     

Vishrut Jetly, Bhargav Jethwa, Pratik Ghosh and Bhaskar Chaudhury


Interval centric indexing for temporal reachability queries     

Animesh Baranawal and Yogesh Simmhan


Call For Papers (CLOSED)


Papers are solicited in all areas of high-performance computing, data, and analytics, including but not limited to topics mentioned below.

High-Performance Computing

Algorithms: This track invites papers that describe original research on developing new parallel and distributed computing algorithms, and related advances. Examples of topics that are of interest include (but not limited to):

• New parallel and distributed algorithms and design techniques;

• Advances in enhancing algorithmic properties or providing guarantees (e.g., fault tolerance, resilience, concurrency, data locality, communication-avoiding);

• Classical and emerging computation models (e.g., parallel/distributed models, quantum computing, neuromorphic and other bioinspired models);

• Provably efficient parallel and distributed algorithms for advanced scientific computing and irregular applications (e.g., numerical linear algebra, graph algorithms, computational biology); and

• Algorithmic techniques for resource allocation and optimization (e.g., scheduling, load balancing, resource management).


Architectures: This track invites papers that describe original research on the design and evaluation of high-performance computing architectures, and related advances. Examples of topics of interest include (but not limited to):

• Design and evaluation of high-performance processing architectures (e.g., reconfigurable, system-on-chip, many cores, vector processors);

• Design and evaluation of networks for high-performance computing platforms (e.g., interconnect topologies, network-on-chip);

• Design and evaluation of memory, cache and storage architectures (e.g., 3D, photonic, Processing-In-Memory, NVRAM, burst buffers, parallel I/O);

• Approaches to improve architectural properties (e.g., energy/power efficiency, reconfigurable, resilience/fault tolerance, security/privacy); and

• Emerging computational architectures (e.g., quantum computing, neuromorphic and other bioinspired architectures).


Applications: This track invites papers that describe original research on the design and implementation of scalable applications for execution on parallel and distributed platforms, and related advances. Examples of topics of interest include (but not limited to):

Design and implementation of shared and distributed memory parallel applications (e.g., scientific computing and industry applications, emerging applications in IoT and life sciences – biology, medicine, chemistry, etc.);

• Design and simulation methodologies for scaling applications on peta and exascale platforms (e.g., co-design approaches, hardware/software co-design, heterogeneous and hybrid programming);

• Hardware acceleration of parallel applications (e.g., CPU/GPUs, multi-GPU clusters, FPGA, vector processors, manycore); and

• Design of application benchmarks for parallel and distributed platforms.


Systems Software: This track invites papers that describe original research on the design, implementation, and evaluation of systems software for high-performance computing platforms, and related advances. Examples of topics of interest include (but not limited to):


Scalable systems and software architectures for high-performance computing (e.g., middleware, operating systems, I/O services);

• Techniques to enhance parallel performance (e.g., compiler/runtime optimization, learning from application traces, profiling);

• Techniques to enhance parallel application development and productivity (e.g., Domain-Specific Languages, programming environments, performance/correctness checking and debugging);

• Techniques to deal with uncertainties, hardware/software resilience, and fault tolerance;

• Software for the cloud, data center, and exascale platforms (e.g., middleware tools, schedulers, resource allocation, data migration, load balancing); and

• Software and programming paradigms for heterogeneous platforms (e.g., libraries for CPU/GPU, multi-GPU clusters, and other accelerator platforms).


Data Science

Scalable Algorithms and Analytics: This track invites papers that describe original research on developing scalable algorithms for data analysis at scale, and related advances. Examples of topics of interest include (but not limited to):

New scalable algorithms for fundamental data analysis tasks (supervised, unsupervised learning, and pattern discovery);

• Scalable algorithms that are designed to address the characteristics of different data sources and settings (e.g., graphs, social networks, sequences, data streams);

• Scalable algorithms and techniques to reduce the complexity of large-scale data (e.g., streaming, sublinear data structures, summarization, compressive analytics);

• Scalable algorithms that are designed to address requirements in different data-driven application domains (e.g., life sciences, business, agriculture); and

• Scalable algorithms that ensure the transparency and fairness of the analysis.


Scalable Systems and Software: This track invites papers that describe original research on developing scalable systems and software for handling data at scale, and related advances. Examples of topics of interest include (but not limited to):

Design of scalable system software to support various applications (e.g., recommendation systems, web search, crowdsourcing applications, streaming applications);

• Design of scalable system software for various architectures (e.g., OpenPower, GPUs, FPGAs);

• Architectures and systems software to support various operations in large data frameworks (e.g., storage, retrieval, automated workflows, data organization, visualization, visual analytics, human-in-the-loop);

• Design and implementation of systems software for distributed data frameworks (e.g., distributed file system, virtualization, cloud services, resource optimization, scheduling); and

• Standards and protocols for enhancing various aspects of data analytics (e.g., open data standards, privacy-preserving, and secure schemes).



Aug 19, 2019: Submission Opens

Sep 16, 2019 Sep 30, 2019: Submission Deadline *extended deadline*

Nov  9, 2019: Accept/Reject Decision Notification

Dec 17-20, 2019: Symposium



Submissions should have at least one author who is a student during any part of the calendar year 2019. Submissions may have multiple student or non-student co-authors. Submissions must mark student authors with an asterisk (*). 



In order to be considered for a poster at the Student Research Symposium, authors must submit papers, not exceeding five (5) letter size (8.5in x 11in) pages, in 11 or 12 point font, single-spaced, with 1” margins on all sides. Papers are to be submitted online in PDF format through Easychair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hipc2019.

The papers will be used to select posters, but will NOT be published in the conference proceedings. This will provide students the flexibility to publish an extended version of their paper at other venues, after benefiting from reviewer feedback from the symposium. Papers submitted to the symposium are expected to be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers. Papers will be judged on technical merit, quality, relevance to the symposium, and related parameters. Plagiarism, in any form, especially verbatim reproduction from other published works,  is prohibited. Papers that are plagiarized will be rejected, and the corresponding department and institution will be notified.

Facilities for displaying posters will be made available, and the exact specifications of the poster size will be provided later. At least one student author of each paper that is accepted must register and attend the conference to present their work. Papers with no-shows will be retroactively rejected.



We expect to provide a travel scholarship to at least one student author of each accepted submission from an Indian university, subject to availability of funding. This scholarship will cover partial expenses for attending the conference. Further details on this scholarship and the application process will be provided later.



Ashok Srinivasan, University of West Florida, USA

Ramakrishna Upadrasta, IIT Hyderabad, India


Dip Sankar Banerjee, IIIT Guwahati, India



Contact student_symposium at hipc dot org for more details.