Thank you, HiPC 2020 authors, for the timely upload of your papers for publication and the accompanying pdf of slide presentations. These will be published as part of the online proceedings (papers + slides) to be distributed to all HiPC 2020 registrants who may preview your work before attending the virtual live session for your scheduled 5 minute presentation. Presentation of an accepted paper at the conference is a requirement of publication. Post-conference, papers presented in the virtual live session will be eligible for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.


Authors of papers have designated one of the authors to be the Presenting Author for your paper. This author will receive email from their session chair to confirm their availability and they will also receive a Zoom invitation from HiPC organizer hosts to participate in the session.


You will have 5 minutes to present your paper and you should plan to have up to 5 slides to use in your presentation. This will leave 5 minutes for the session chair to hold a brief discussion and for you to answer any questions at that time. Please check the Advance Program on the web to see who is chairing your session and to make sure you have the correct time for joining the Zoom session to present.


Here are the instructions for the Presenting Author:


1.     Arrive at least 10 minutes before IST start time for your session.

2.     If you do not have the program in front of you, check the web.

3.     Have your desktop cleared and presentation slides ready.

4.     Listen for the cue for you to turn on your webcam and mic and share your slides.

5.     The session chair will do the intro and your order given in the program.

6.     Make sure to turn off your webcam and mic when you are finished presenting.

7.     The session chair will moderate any questions or discussion.

8.     Remind co-authors to register to have access to proceedings and to attend.

9.   Authors are reminded to sign in to join the Zoom session from the email address to which their invite from the HiPC host was sent.


Note: All the sessions will be recorded and live streamed on HiPC Facebook page. Your Zoom session will alert you to the fact that you are being recorded. By signing in to participate, you will be giving your consent.


There will be a single registration fee of USD 100 (Rs 7500) per paper. This fee is due by November 15, 2020 in order for the paper to be published in the proceedings. Go here to register.


Presentation of an accepted paper at the conference is a requirement of publication. In lieu of live presentations at a physical conference, authors have been asked to prepare a slide presentation that will be integrated with their paper in the online proceedings publication. Details for paper and presentation file upload is mentioned below.


In addition, the conference organizers will be holding live virtual sessions in which each paper will be given 5 minutes for a presentation, leaving additional time in the session for question/answer. One author should present the work during the allotted 5 minutes time frame at the online event for the paper to be included in the proceedings.


The Conference Publishing Services (CPS) of the IEEE Computer Society will produce the HIPC 2020 proceedings. Post-conference, papers presented at the conference and eligible for inclusion will be submitted by CPS to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. This requires that all papers submitted for publication must meet a minimum standard for both print and electronic publishing and that authors have filed a copyright release form with IEEE. To help authors meet that standard, this HiPC Web page will take you to the CPS Author Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions (the author kit).



At the CPS site, under Paper Specification, see where authors may purchase up to two (2) additional pages. If you elect to add extra pages, you may buy them online (as part of HiPC Registration) at a cost of USD 150 (outside India participant)/INR 11,000 (India-based participant) per page. Please note that these charges are in addition to conference registration and must be paid at the time you register.

When you go to the “Author Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions” (link below) on the IEEE Computer Society CPS site, at one of the last steps, you will be asked to provide a paper ID, which is the Easy Chair paper number for your original submission. 

CPS Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions for HiPC Conference AUTHORS


•The slides should serve to introduce the work and provide a high-level overview in 10-15 slides. In that sense, they are expected to be different from the set of slides used in a live presentation.

• Those viewing the slides will have immediate access to the paper, the “next best thing” to having the author presenting in person.

•The first slide should include title, authors, and reference to HiPC 2020. The final page should include authors’ contact information for follow-up questions.

• The file of presentation slides should be saved as a pdf and the name should start with hipc2020_presentation and include last name of first author and a version number or date.

• The slides presentation pdf file should be uploaded at the same time as the paper under the Web Extras/Supplemental Material heading. See the CPS Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions for HiPC Conference AUTHORS link above.