First Workshop on Data Science for Future Energy Systems

17-20 December 2019 – Hyderabad, India

Workshop Program

 The workshop is scheduled to begin at 8:30 am on December 17. Each paper will be given 20 minutes for the main presentation and 10 minutes for Question from the audience.

Opening Remarks from the Workshop Organizers – 30 min

Paper 1: “On Using Graph Signal Processing for Electrical Load Disaggregation,” B. Subbareddy (IIT Hyderabad), Kriti Kumar (TCS Research and Innovation, Bangalore) and M. Girish Chandra (TCS Research and Innovation, Bangalore) – 30 min

Paper 2: “Variations in residential electricity demand across income categories in urban Bangalore: Results from primary survey,” Sashi Kiran Challa (National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISC Campus, Bangalore), Shoibal Chakravarty (Ashoka Trust For Research In Ecology And The Environment, Bangalore) and Kshitija Joshi (National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISC Campus, Bangalore) – 30 min

Closing Remarks


Call For Workshop Papers (Closed)

An Energy System is defined as a system primarily designed to supply energy services to end users. Such systems form the backbone of modern economy and include power grids, oilfields, heating/cooling systems, etc. The design of efficient, reliable and scalable Energy Systems for the future requires making them smarter and transitioning them into Future Energy Systems via novel data driven solutions built on top of the existing monitoring and control infrastructure.

The goal of this workshop is to highlight and encourage discussions regarding novel applications of data science and data analytics techniques in the domain of Energy Systems such as smart (power) grids, smart oilfields, smart heating/cooling systems etc. Data driven techniques enabling transition to Future Energy Systems via improved sustainability and electrification of the energy systems, Uberization of the energy systems, mobility changes due to future energy systems, etc. are solicited.

This workshop seeks submissions related to the following topic areas as applicable to the domain of future energy systems:

  • Discovery of knowledge and insights using data
  • Data Analytics Applications: Learning, prediction, anomaly detection, pattern recognition, search, mining, etc.
  • Data management/infrastructure
  • Data privacy/security
  • Data driven modeling
  • Data driven decision making
  • Data driven techniques enabling energy transition for improved sustainability and electrification
  • Uberization of energy systems – enabling peer-to-peer transactions, minimizing distance between the producer and consumers, user rating system for quality of service, etc.
  • Mobility changes due to future energy systems

Manuscript Guidelines
Submitted manuscripts should be structured as technical papers and may not exceed six (6) single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5 × 11 inch pages (IEEE conference style), including figures, tables, and references. See IEEE style templates at this page for details.
Electronic submissions must be in the form of a readable PDF file. All manuscripts will be reviewed by the Program Committee and evaluated on originality, relevance of the problem to the conference theme, technical strength, rigor in analysis, quality of results, and organization and clarity of presentation of the paper.

Submitted papers must represent original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines will be rejected without review and further action may be taken, including (but not limited to) notifications sent to the heads of the institutions of the authors and sponsors of the conference.

Presentation of an accepted paper at the workshop is a requirement of publication. Any paper that is not presented at the conference will not be included in proceedings.

Important Dates

Paper Submission: September 20th, 2019 September 30, 2019 *extended deadline*
Notification to Authors:
October 14th, 2019
Workshop camera-ready:
October 28th, 2019


Submission Portal
Easychair Submission Link:

Organizing Committee
Sanmukh R. Kuppannagari, University of Southern California, USA

Chayan Sarkar, TCS Research, India

Program Committee Members

Ram Balachandran, India

Charalampos Chelmis, University of Albany, USA

Sanmukh R. Kuppannagari (organizer), University of Southern California, USA

Akshay Uttama Nambi, Microsoft Research, India

Anand Panangadan, California State University, USA

Laks Raghupati, Shell, India

Kiran Sajjanshetty, Voyage Auto Inc., USA

Chayan Sarkar (organizer), TCS Research & Innovation, India

Ajitesh Srivastava, University of Southern California, USA

Mahima Agumbe Suresh, San Jose State University, USA