HiPC 2019 will feature the 12th Student Research Symposium (SRS) on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HPC) aimed at stimulating and fostering student research, and providing an international forum to highlight student research accomplishments. The symposium will also provide exposure to students in the best practices in HPC in academia and industry.
The symposium will feature student posters and provide students with other enriching experiences, such as workshops, industry exhibits, and demos. The Conference Reception and multiple Student Symposium Poster Exhibit sessions will provide an opportunity for students to interact with HPC researchers and practitioners (and recruiters) from academia and industry.
Awards for Best Poster, sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society – Technical Committee on Parallel Processing, will be presented at the symposium. An online book containing the resumes of the students participating in the symposium will be compiled and made available to the sponsors of the HiPC 2019 conference.
Contact: student_symposium[at]hipc[dot]org for more details.