Travel Scholarships

HiPC 2019

Travel Support for Students

Travel support opportunities are available for all student participants at HiPC 2019 in Hyderabad.  

HiPC would like to encourage motivated students studying at engineering and technical colleges in India to attend the conference through these travel scholarships, which will be provided on a merit basis.  

A limited number of travel assistance grants for students outside India are available from the HiPC sponsor, IEEE Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP). Priority will be given to students -based on merit- who would otherwise be unable to attend the conference and to graduate students presenting their own accepted work.  

Notice of awards will be made prior to the conference, but all applicants must register to be eligible to apply. The grants will be distributed either at the conference or post-conference in the form of reimbursements against actual travel and accommodations expenses submitted by the student.  

Application Instructions 

Important Dates 

Application Deadline: November 4, 2019 November 9, 2019 

Notification: November 10, 2019 November 16, 2019 


Travel Support for Faculty

In order to promote HPC related research, mentoring, and teaching in India, we have funding for a limited number of travel grants for full-time faculty based at engineering colleges in India to attend the conference and participate in the activities. These grants are above and on top of the reduced registration fees offered to these participants from India. These grants are aimed at full-time faculty who are unable to meet their travel expenses to the conference through other funding means, and who show the potential for creating value for the HiPC conference by expanding its reach. The number of travel grants is limited, so faculty interested in attending are encouraged to first try to exhaust all other means of travel funding before applying for this grant.  

Application Instructions 

Important Dates  

Application deadline: November 7, 2019 

Award announcement: November 21, 2019