To strengthen the community, HiPC organises user centric tutorials and hands-on session. Tutorials offer attendees the chance to learn from and to interact with leading experts in popular areas of high performance computing, data, and analytics.

HiPC 2018  Tutorials

The meeting will offer several tutorials covering topics of interest to the broader HPC and Data Science Communities.


Pre-Conference Satellite Tutorials (16th December):

Tutorial 1:

Title: FPGA-based Accelerated Cloud Computing

Presenters: Parimal Patel, Senior Systems Engineer, Xilinx, USA

When: December 16, 2018 (pre-conference day)

Tutorial 2:

Title: Cloud Services for Performing Scientific Computing and Data Management

Presenters: Microsoft

When: December 16, 2018 (pre-conference day)

See program at Microsoft website to register

Due to limited seating arrangements, attendees may need to pre-register – no fees – for the satellite tutorials described above. Go to the page for tutorial-workshop to find instructions for registering to attend the event.



Conference tutorials:

Tutorial 3:

Title: HClib: A Task-based Parallel Programming Model


Vivek Kumar, IIIT-Delhi, India

Vivek Sarkar, Georgia Tech., USA

When: December 20, 2018  

Tutorial 4:

Title: A Language and Framework for Prototyping and Experimenting with Edge Oriented IoT

Presenters: Muthucumaru Maheswaran, McGill University

When: December 20, 2018